WHEN: Saturday, May 18, 2019 2PM - 6PM
Thursday's Resturant, Bridgewater PA
WHEN: Monday, May 27, 2019 (Following the Beaver Memorial Day Parade)
Fort McIntosh Club, Beaver
The Memorial Day Veterans Luncheon started in 2014 when we were asked to host a few dozen veterans following the Beaver County Memorial Day parade. Since that time, FMF Board of Directors continues to assure an ever-improved picnic venue for our local Veterans and their families following the parade. It has become the Foundation’s (and our families) privilege to meet with our Veteran friends and families. Being able to break bread with our local Veterans and their families and to shake their hands and thank them for their service is most gratifying day. In 2015 the Luncheon doubled in size. And in 2016, our Luncheon grew tremendously and we served over 200 Veterans and their families. In 2017, we will again welcome all Beaver County Veterans and their families to join us on Memorial Day following the parade and ceremony.
WHEN: Saturday, March 2, 2019 2PM - 6PM
Thursday's Resturant, Bridgewater PA
Tickets on sale now - see a board member or request at Thursday's!
The St. Practice Day event came from one of our members who started this event with his family decades ago. Over the years this event has grown substantially, and as the Fort McIntosh Foundation was established, the event was offered the FMF to “take it over” as a way to raise money for charitable causes. Since its inaugural event in 2015, The St. Practice Day Charity Event has become an annual sell-out with all proceeds going directly to Beaver County
causes. The event is held every year in March just prior to St. Patrick’s Day and is attended by hundreds of people from Beaver County and around the Globe!
The annual Veterans Charity event started in 2015 with our inaugural 9/11 Tribute to “The Past, the Present, and the Future”. At this event we honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, those who continue to wear the uniform today, and those who aspire to be our next generation of leaders in the military or community. We partner with many great local organizations and corporations to raise money with all proceeds going the Veteran causes. In 2016, the Veterans Charity Event will take place on November 12th, 2016.
The Fort McIntosh Foundation and its members have contributed time, money, and resources to numerous community events and activities, such as:
Grateful Supporters of:
JROTC Scholarship - Three $1,000 Scholarships awarded to Beaver Area High school JROTC:
The Fort McIntosh Foundation is proud to partner and work with many local charitable and non-profit organizations such as: